Three Ways to Help You Fight Less Over Screen Time
Natalie Daughtry2022-09-19T19:16:10+00:00Do you find yourself arguing with your teens over screen time? The folks over at Screenagers recently published these three tips to help reduce conflict around screen time and make life with teens a little more peaceful. How to Optimize Parenting I find this statistic staggering: thirty percent of adults and the same percentage of youth report that they argue daily about screen time at home. That is millions of kids, teens, and parents fighting every single day about screen issues and many millions more who fight often, though not daily. I have some suggestions about how to put more joy into parenting given all the new stressors that have come with today’s tech revolution. 1. Have technology do some of the parenting work for you. Rather than constantly repeating, “Time to shut it off,” [...]