Newsreel 2

Newsreel 22022-08-31T14:10:51+00:00

What Every Young Person Needs to Know about Anxiety Right Now

Recent world events are causing a lot of anxiety - particularly with children and young adults. Screenagers posted an informative article, featured below, about how to determine what action should be taken in regards to anxiety. If you have a loved one struggling with anxiety, please contact Tamara Ancona, MA, LPC at (678) 297-0708 [...]

Virtual Workshop Series

Children and Screens cordially invites you, your friends and your network to join our series of three virtual workshops for parents featuring leading interdisciplinary experts on the topic of “Children and Screens During COVID-19” via Zoom. Parents can register through our website Hear from the country's leading pediatricians, child psychiatrists, child psychologists, neuroscientists, educators, and [...]

Digital Binging

While we all learn to cope with living a digital life during this pandemic it brings up questions about the effects all the screen time will have on us and our futures. Screenagers explores the this in the article below: Understandably most young people are on screens a ton right now. Thank goodness there [...]

Helping Youth Handle Stress

As adults we frequently discuss the things we're stressed about. But what about our kids? Particularly teens and tweens? Screenagers tackles how to talk to this age group about their stress and ways to help them cope. Teens and tweens often tell me how they talk with each other about their stress levels. The [...]

Battle Bullying

Bullying is a prevalent issue in schools today. With everything else going on, how do we help kids battle against bullying? In the article below, written by Clint Fletcher, and posted on The Meadows website, we learn more about helping kids cope.Kids and teenagers are back in school, and that means homework, carpool, school lunches, [...]

Gender Differences in Teen Depression

As if the teen years aren't hard enough - kids face a myriad of different emotions. Our friends at R&A Therapeutic Partners wrote the article below describing the challenges faced when teens have depression and the difference between the genders. The teenage years can be challenging. Between physical changes in the body, intense peer [...]

Virtual Workshop Series

Children and Screens cordially invites you, your friends and your network to join our series of three virtual workshops for parents featuring leading interdisciplinary experts on the topic of “Children and Screens During COVID-19” via Zoom. [...]

Digital Binging

While we all learn to cope with living a digital life during this pandemic it brings up questions about the effects all the screen time will have on us and our futures. Screenagers explores [...]

Helping Youth Handle Stress

As adults we frequently discuss the things we're stressed about. But what about our kids? Particularly teens and tweens? Screenagers tackles how to talk to this age group about their stress and ways to [...]

Battle Bullying

Bullying is a prevalent issue in schools today. With everything else going on, how do we help kids battle against bullying? In the article below, written by Clint Fletcher, and posted on The Meadows website, [...]

Gender Differences in Teen Depression

As if the teen years aren't hard enough - kids face a myriad of different emotions. Our friends at R&A Therapeutic Partners wrote the article below describing the challenges faced when teens have depression [...]

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