(678) 297-0708

News Reel

News Reel2022-09-21T17:15:27+00:00

Video Gaming “Among Us” Advice

Video gaming among children and teens is an ongoing hot topic. How can parents, especially with COVID fatigue continue to set boundaries with gaming? Screenagers tackled this topic below: There is lots and lots of video gaming these days. Parents tell me how they feel torn because their child does not have any after school sports or activities where they see friends, so video gaming is where they connect with their friends. Yet, they worry about the sheer amount [...]

Teen Marijuana Use or Addiction?

Marijuana use among teens is on the rise. R&A Therapeutic Partners recently released this interesting article about the effects of teen marijuana use. Marijuana has often been thought of as a harmless drug that does not lead to addiction. However, many recent research studies have determined that not only is cannabis addictive, but the teen marijuana addiction rate is a serious concern. One study in particular found that adolescents are especially vulnerable to addiction, emphasizing the need for early [...]

Social Media & Racial Injustice

Social Media has positives and negatives. When it comes to current events it can have a significant impact and influence on kids and teens. Screenagers discusses the impact it can have and how to speak to kids about it. Talking with our kids and teens about media, social media, and the immensely important issue of racial injustice is so critical right now. How do these platforms bring us together to find solutions? How do they fracture us and make [...]

Back to School Organization

Parents, the school year is back! This year will have its challenges, but you are ready - and with a little extra preparation we're confident it will be a success. Below are some tips sent to us by Todd Lemoine team whether kids go to school in person or virtually. Build an ultimate homework station.   "In order to organize a powerhouse homework station, you must first understand the needs of the child or children," says Jessica Kennedy, productivity and [...]

Is Modeling Screen Time a Myth?

Parents are a child's first model. Does that work with screens as well? Screenagers explore if this is true or a myth below: For years parents have said to me, “I know I am part of the problem. I should be modeling screen time better.” I first respond by validating them in some way, such as, “It is really great that you are thinking and talking about this issue of modeling screen time. It is so important.” Then, my next [...]

Fake Identities and Real Concerns

This weekend I was hit hard by a disturbing article in The New York Times (NYT) about kids targeted by sexual predators via direct chats and in multiplayer video game chat rooms. In a chat, people with bad intentions can pretend to be any age. They can say they are a friend-of-a-friend as a way to enter the chat. Children are susceptible because they are unsuspecting, and by the time they may realize something is not right, shame and [...]

What Every Young Person Needs to Know about Anxiety Right Now

Recent world events are causing a lot of anxiety - particularly with children and young adults. Screenagers posted an informative article, featured below, about how to determine what action should be taken in regards to anxiety. If you have a loved one struggling with anxiety, please contact Tamara Ancona, MA, LPC at (678) 297-0708 for an evaluation, and to discuss the best treatment options available. Anxious feelings are understandably very high right now in youth given COVID-19. My daughter [...]

Virtual Workshop Series

Children and Screens cordially invites you, your friends and your network to join our series of three virtual workshops for parents featuring leading interdisciplinary experts on the topic of “Children and Screens During COVID-19” via Zoom. Parents can register through our website www.childrenandscreens.com. Hear from the country's leading pediatricians, child psychiatrists, child psychologists, neuroscientists, educators, and parenting experts to learn: The "Ask the Experts" series will focus on different developmental age groups, beginning with young children on April 28th at 12:00-1:30 [...]

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