Continuity of Professional Relationship – Additional resources and options for continued success
Research has indicated one of the determining factors of a child’s continued success once back home, is largely due to the nature of a supportive environment within the home and within each family’s community. Our relationships with local professionals, along with our detailed knowledge of support services and educational offerings allow us to help each child put into place a strong and workable transition aftercare plan. Our aftercare components include:
- Recommending specific supportive services (social skills development, learning related, tutoring and recovery maintenance)
- Recommending college and career counseling
- Recommending specific local school placement options
- Recommending key clinical professionals for the student, parents and family as needed
- Once again, our comprehensive and unique approach provides immeasurable value to our clients, as they experience continued professional guidance, support and expertise throughout their child’s journey.
* TAG Counseling does not support, nor recommend services or programs that engage in referral or placement compensation practices.