Resource Books


Glow Kids – How Screen Addiction is Hijacking our Kids and How to Break the Trance, Dr. Nicholas Kardaras
Addict in the Family, Stories of Loss, Hope and Recovery, Beverly Conyers
A Bridge to Recovery: An Introduction to 12 Step Program, Robert DuPont, John McGovern
At Wits End, Addictions and Mental Illness, Jeff Jay, Jerry Boriskin, PhD
Buzzed: The Straight Facts About the Most Used and Abused Drugs from Alcohol to Ecstasy, Cynthia Kuhn, Scott Swartzwelder, Wilkie Wilson
Enough Already! Bob Tyler
Healing the Addictive Mind, Lee Jampolsky, PhD
Video Games and Your Kids: How Parents Stay in Control, Hilarie Cash, PhD, Kim McDaniel, MA
Kill the Craving, Joseph Santoro, PhD, Robert DeLetis, CADC, Alfred Bergman, MS
Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked, Adam Alter


The Primal Teen, Barbara Strauch
The Primal Wound, Nancy Verrier
20 Things Adoptive Kids Wish Their Adoptive Parents Knew, Sherri Eldridge

Learning Disabilities/Developmental Delays

Asperger’s Syndrome and Adolescence, Theresa Bolick, PhD
Raising NLD Superstars, Marcia Brown Rubinstien, MA, CEP
No More Meltdowns, Dr. Jed Baker
Preparing for Life, Dr. Jed Baker
Atypical life with Asperger’s in 20 Characters, Jesse A Saperstein
Pretending To Be Normal, Liane Holliday Wiley
Freaks, Geeks and Asperger’s Syndrome: A User Guide to Adolescents, Luke Jackson (an adolescent with Asperger’s Syndrome)
Pervasive Development Disorder: Finding a Diagnosis and Getting Help, Mitzi Waltz
The World of the Autistic Child, Bryan Siegel, PhD
Driven to Distraction, Edward Hallowell, MD, John Ratey, MD
The Misunderstood Child, Larry Silver, MD
Helping the Child who Doesn’t Fit In, Stephen Nowicki, PhD, Marshall Duke, PhD
Autism and Learning Differences: An Active Learning Teaching Toolkit, Michael McManmon, Ed.D.
The Kid-Friendly ADHD & Autism Cookbook, Pamela Compart & Dana Laake

Mental Health

The Explosive Child, Ross Greene, PhD
The Bipolar Child, Demitri Papolos, MD, Janice Papolos
Raising a Moody Child, Mary Fristad, PhD, Jill Arnold, PhD
I Hate You, Don’t Leave Me: Understanding The Borderline Personality, Jerald Kreisman, MD, Hal Strauss
Borderline and Beyond, Laura Paxton
The Out-of-Sync Child: Recognizing and Coping with Sensory Processing Disorder, Revised Edition, Carol Kranowitz, MA, Lucy Miller, PhD
Treating the Tough Adolescent, Scott Sells
Gender Born, Gender Made, Diane Ehrensaft, PhD
Second Son, Ryan K Sallans
The Teen Whisperer, Mike L Linderman with Gary Brozek


Get Out of My Life, But First Could You Drive Me and Cheryl to the Mall? Anthony E. Wolf, PhD
I Don’t Have to Make Everything All Better, Gary and Joy Lundberg
Girls will be Girls, JoAnn Deak, PhD
No, Why Kids of All Ages Need to Hear It, David Walsh, PhD
Too Much of a Good Thing, Dan Kindlon, PhD
The Price of Privilege, Madeline Levine, PhD
Raising Cain: Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys, Dan Kindlon, PhD, Michael Thompson, PhD
Real Boys, William Pollack, PhD
The Shelter of Each Other, Mary Pipher, PhD


The Anatomy of Peace, The Arbinger Institute
Changing for Good, James Prochaska, PhD, John Norcross, PhD, Carlo Diclemente, PhD
The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz
A Whole New Mind, Daniel Pink
Mind Sight, Daniel J Siegel, MD
Spark, John J Ratey
The Happiness Trap, Dr. Russ Harris

Adolescent/Young Adult Therapeutic Programs

An Unchanged Mind, John McKinnon, MD
To Change a Mind, John A Mickinnon, MD
An Upward Spiral, Rick Johnson
The Journey of the Heroic Parent, Brad M Reedy, PhD
Shouting at the Sky, Gary Ferguson
What Now? How Teen Therapeutic Programs Could Save Your Troubled Child, Paul Case, PhD

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