Recognizing Addiction
Natalie Daughtry2022-09-19T19:57:20+00:00Recognizing and admitting a loved one struggles with addiction is the first step on a long journey of recovery. But how do you recognize if a habit has turned into something more worrisome or potentially life-threatening? Caring for someone who struggles with addictive behaviors can be frustrating, scary and disheartening. And communicating with them – and getting them to recognize the problem – is challenging. The Ranch at Dove Tree wrote an article this January, published on their website, addressing these concerns. Their article, The Five Biggest Lies Addicts Tell Themselves about Addiction, below, helps foster an understanding between addicts and the people who want to help them. “If you have never struggled with substance abuse, it may seem impossible to understand why your loved one continues to engage in behavior that hurts you, your [...]