Screenagers Showing Hosted by TAG Counseling
Natalie Daughtry2022-09-19T19:53:44+00:00Recently Tamara Ancona partnered up with other mental health and educational professionals to host a showing of the film “Screenagers, Growing up in the Digital Age” for other community professionals. After the showing Tamara and four additional mental health and educational professionals led a panel discussion and provided additional resources to the attendees. “Screenagers” is the first feature documentary to explore the impact of screen technology on kids and to offer parents proven solutions that work. Physician and filmmaker Delaney Ruston decided to make “Screenagers” when she found herself constantly struggling with her two kids about screen time. Ruston felt guilty and confused, not sure what limits were best, especially around mobile phones, social media, gaming, and how to monitor online homework. Hearing repeatedly how other parents were equally overwhelmed, she realized this is one [...]