Is Modeling Screen Time a Myth?
Natalie Daughtry2022-09-19T17:09:10+00:00Parents are a child's first model. Does that work with screens as well? Screenagers explore if this is true or a myth below: For years parents have said to me, “I know I am part of the problem. I should be modeling screen time better.” I first respond by validating them in some way, such as, “It is really great that you are thinking and talking about this issue of modeling screen time. It is so important.” Then, my next response often surprises them. Rather than say something like, “Yes, yes, I know we all need to do that better,” I gently point out that there is a major problem with the goal of “trying to model better” — the problem lies in the ambiguity of the goal — ambiguous goals never go well. So much [...]