
Super Bowl Ads and Young Children


Did you and your family watch the Superbowl last night? Not everyone watches for the football - many people watch for the advertisements and the half time show. But, are the ads really kid-friendly (or the half time show for that matter)? The article below, written by the Children's Screen Time Action Network, demonstrates that they just might not be, and what you as a parent can do about it. It was January 1999 and the Falcons and the Broncos were playing in Super Bowl XXXIII when I had the moment. (Not the Janet Jackson moment, that came later.) But, the 'my-kids-should-not-be-seeing-ads" moment. You could argue it was the moment that led me here to CCFC. We were happily having a family gathering to watch the game. Drinks, friends, and pigs-in-a-blanket. Cut to an ad [...]

Super Bowl Ads and Young Children2022-09-19T19:08:02+00:00

Gambling Among Teens


Gambling is now more common among teenagers than drinking, smoking or taking drugs, a report has found. The Gambling Commission says that 450,000 children aged between 11 and 16, equivalent to one in every seven, are taking part in some form of gambling. Researchers found children were increasingly making wagers with friends at school or gambling online at home. More than 70,000 teenagers are classed as problem gamblers, with 55,000 more at risk of becoming addicted. Parents and teachers were urged to warn their children about the risks of gambling in the same way they would about smoking, drinking and taking drugs. But only one in five children said their parents had done so. Tim Miller, the executive director of the Gambling Commission, said: “Parents must have this conversation as they would with other areas of [...]

Gambling Among Teens2022-09-19T19:09:12+00:00

Groundbreaking Screen Time Study


How much screen time children should be allowed is an ongoing (and sometimes heated) discussion among parents, caregivers and medical professionals. The federal government and the National Institute of health launched a large study to look at the effects of screen time and the results are astounding. Read below for the results and an interview between Dr. Gaya Dowling and Anderson Cooper. If you, or a loved one is struggling with an addiction to technology call Tamara Ancona, MA, LPC at (678) 297-0708 for an evaluation, and to discuss the best treatment options available. Groundbreaking Screen Time Study  If you have kids and wonder if all that time they spend on their smartphones endlessly scrolling, snapping and texting is affecting their brains, you might want to put down your own phone and pay attention. The federal government, through [...]

Groundbreaking Screen Time Study2022-09-19T19:10:57+00:00

Learning to Say No


The holidays are in full swing and brings with it wish lists, and often the desire for more screen time spent on newly received devices. Why are we as parents and educators afraid to tell kids "no" about this, and many other issues? This week Screenagers explored this very topic and how we can make setting a boundary a more effective, and positive situation. How to Say No Effectively There are so many reasons why for many youth screen time has crowded out activities and interactions that would benefit them—in other words, why they are experiencing excessive screen time. One of the reasons is the inner discomfort that many parents (and teachers) feel from saying “no” to their children and teens. Saying no and being able to tolerate the myriad of emotions that result, such [...]

Learning to Say No2022-09-19T19:12:36+00:00

7 Scientifically Proven Benefits of Gratitude


With Thanksgiving upon us it's a great time to reflect on gratitude. Psychology Today recently published an article on seven benefits of gratitude, below. As you go throughout this week of giving thanks we wish you a most blessed and Happy Thanksgiving from TAG Counseling. "Stop feeling sorry for yourself," we are often told. And while it can be hard to avoid self-pity entirely, mentally strong people choose to exchange self-pity for gratitude. Whether you choose to write a few sentences in a gratitude journal, or simply take a moment to silently acknowledge all that you have, giving thanks can transform your life. Here are 7 scientifically proven benefits: Gratitude opens the door to more relationships. Not only does saying “thank you” constitute good manners, but showing appreciation can help you win new friends, according to a 2014 study published in Emotion. [...]

7 Scientifically Proven Benefits of Gratitude2022-09-19T19:13:48+00:00
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